This is the story of my ride with LEU's long riders from FLETC, Brunswick, GA to DC May 1st-12th, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Day 9- A day for rest.
Monday May 9th was a day of rest so the speak. The 400 members of Law Enforcement United were all converging on Chesapeake to get ready for the " Ride for Hope". Teams from Texas, New England, Minnesota, North and South Carolina, Virginia and New Jersey could be seen in the lobby. Bikes were being adjusted, registrations, medical, hotel info checked. My team from Fairfax arrived at mid morning. We were treated to a luncheon and then the LEU held their general meeting and election of new officers for 2012. Tomorrow was the big day and everyone appeared ready for the ride to the Pentagon. We find out the totals for contributions to C.O.P.S. and ODMP.